Impact & Sustainability

Build better companies

We help management teams scale their companies and technologies and adopt leading environmental, sustainability and governance practices.

Alignment with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

ACP Aliath Bioventures fund investments will be aligned with the United Nation´s Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG).

We aim to play an important role in the fulfillment of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) by mobilizing capital and talent to the development of companies that can tackle some of the major healthcare challenges. We have a specific focus on goals 3 and 9 but we actively promote other goals and report on them.

Impact & Sustainability Management

We have developed a framework to integrate impact and sustainability considerations throughout the investment lifecycle, from inception to exit.

We measure and report impact with specific quantitative KPIs and we assess, improve and report sustainability performance of portfolio companies.

We believe in what we do. Aligning incentives, accelerating impact.

Operating Principles for Impact Management

As of April 2023, Aliath Bioventures is a proud signatory of the Operating Principles for Impact Management.

In 2019, the International Finance Corporation launched a new framework, the Operating Principles for Impact Management, that estalishes a set of best practices for impact management. These principles put great emphasis on measurement and reporting and require an external audit process.

EU sustainable finance disclosure regulation (SFDR)

ACP Aliath Bioventures II FCR is classified as an “Article 9” or “Dark Green Fund” and is fully compliant with the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR), ensuring that the underlying investments are sustainable and have a positive impact on social matters.

Transparency of remuneration policies in relation to the integration of sustainability risks.

Aliath Bioventure’s remuneration policy is based on fixed and variable remuneration (bonus). Variable remunerations are based on performance criteria, which include management of sustainability risks alongside financial returns. Aliath links the achievement of its impact objectives with its variable remuneration policy (carry). Each investment will have five (5) impact objectives and each of them will have a weight for the calculation of the “Portfolio Company Impact Objective”. This objective will be determined by the Management Company prior to the investment following the recommendation of the Advisor and validated by the Investment Committee and must be ratified by the Supervisory Committee at the next regular meeting following the approval of the investment. Each investment will be weighted by the amount invested in it to calculate the “Aggregate Portfolio Impact” (API). Each year, the Management Company will calculate the progress made in meeting these objectives at the level of each Portfolio Company and the Portfolio as a whole. At the end of the life of the Fund, immediately prior to the liquidation of the Fund, the percentage of the API achieved will be calculated. A higher or lower achievement level in respect of this API is directly linked to the payment of a arry to the management team. 

Consideration of Adverse Sustainability Impacts at entity level[1] (Article 4 of the SFDR).

Principal adverse impact are considered on entity level by measuring and monitoring the aggregated negative impact on sustainability factors of the Fund’s investments. The mandatory indicators and two voluntary ones defined by the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) are considered, although are subject to data availability and quality.

[1] Sustainability adverse impacts: negative material or likely to be material effects on sustainability factors that investment decisions and advice might cause, contribute to, or be directly linked to.

Altamar Capital Partners became a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) guidelines in 2016. Likewise, CAM Alternatives became a signatory of these guidelines in 2019. Both achieving excellent scores  in the latest UNPRI Assessment.  Altamar Capital Partners has received four stars in all categories reported while CAM Alternatives obtained five stars in Investment & Stewardship Policy (highest score possible), and four stars in Private Equity and Infrastructure.